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gamma-UPC is a library for calculating the photon fluxes in the exclusive photon-photon processes in ultraperipheral proton and nuclear collisions (UPCs). It is derived from electric dipole or charge form factors, and has incorporated hadronic survival probabilities. The library has been integrated into both HELAC-Onia (version ≥ 2.7.6) and MadGraph5_aMC@NLO (version ≥ 3.5.0 or downloaded below).

  • "gamma-UPC: Automated generation of exclusive photon-photon processes in ultraperipheral proton and nuclear collisions with varying form factors"
    H.-S. Shao and D. d'Enterria
    JHEP 2209 (2022) 248 [arXiv:2207.03012[hep-ph]].

If you have questions, comments, suggestions or bug reports, please email to

Additional exclusive photon-photon cross sections in SM at the LHC
Colliding system W+W- ZZ tt̅
pp 13 TeV (47.1, 66.7) fb (46.4, 69.6) ab (0.175±0.003, 0.255±0.004) fb
pp 13.6 TeV (50.2, 70.8) fb (50.2, 74.8) ab (0.189±0.003, 0.274±0.004) fb

Note: the first and second numbers in parentheses are from EDFF and ChFF respectively. For tt̅, they are cross sections with NLO QCD corrections, and the quoted errors are from scale variations.